What we heard
Submissions in Full
Ralph Fitzsimmons
Please stay with the current system ********** File Upload (if any) will appear below *********************
Fairness and confidence in the electoral process. I am satisfied with first past post. Having seen compromise governments at work I find they do not reflect what most in the electorate would like to see - instead it is party politics at it's worse. **********...
Members of the Yukon Citizens Assembly: It is difficult to overstate the significance of your assignment. You have been given the assignment to dream big dreams about the promise of democracy, a legislature that mirrors the political diversity of Yukon where...
Susan Greetham
More choice in candidates not connected to a party in the outcome. More chance of either the candidate or the party of choice. Not winner take all partisan politics. More collaboration and much closer to a consensus leadership. ********** File Upload (if any) will...
Ralph Fitzsimmons
I like the current voting system First Past the Post. I think it works ********** File Upload (if any) will appear below *********************
Proportional representation undermines democracy. It is a poison that paralyzes representative democratic governments as legislatures are reduced to amateur hour and a crowd of boutique lobbyist parties. European countries that have adopted PR have little to show for...
Sue Greetham
Every ballot cast should count towards representation. Partisanship must be balanced with common sense. Opposition must translate into collaboration. ********** File Upload (if any) will appear below *********************
Randy Clarkson
I am against changes to the current electoral system except that the boundaries of ridings could be changed to more fairly represent the majority of Yukoners who live in or near Whitehorse. I am against your vision of proportional representation which I expect gets...
Yukon Party leader Currie Dixon
May 15 letter from Yukon Party leader, Currie Dixon, responding to the YCAER invitation to participate alongside other political party leaders to provide opening remarks to the Citizens' Assembly. Shared with permission. ********** File Upload (if any) will appear...
Anita Nickerson
**UPDATED** Fair Vote Canada submission to the Yukon Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform. Includes systems for consideration with models and simulations for the Yukon and process recommendations. Updated June 12, 2024. ********** File Upload (if any) will appear...