Interview with Jonathan Rose & Members

Interview with Jonathan Rose & Members

CBC Radio spoke to Jonathan Rose, author, professor and head of the Political Science department at Queens’ University, as he taught Assembly members about the different voting systems in use around the world. Two members also share their experience so far – CBC Yukon...

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Neil Salvin

Most important is that more voters turn out on election day. Any system won't be representative unless everyone votes. I vote for the person in my riding that will best represent my values in the LA. I do not vote based on parties or leaders. That is not how the...

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Dave Brekke

Please accept and consider this submission. Looking forward, Dave Brekke ********** File Upload (if any) will appear below *********************...

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Russell Radwanski

I would like to advocate for the development of a system aimed at empowering citizens by facilitating their direct involvement in decision-making processes, thereby fostering a more participatory democracy. While acknowledging the inherent complexity of such an...

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Tony Penikett interview

Tony Penikett interview

Ahead of speaking at the first Yukon Citizens’ Assembly Gathering, former premier Tony Penikett spoke with Leonard Linklater about how such processes tackle challenging questions -  

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Michael Vernon

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CBC Yukon Update

CBC Yukon Update

YCAER Chair Sara McPhee-Knowles shared an update with CBC Yukon on May 3, 2024: The Yukon Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform has found Yukoners to serve as members  

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