Sue Greetham

Every ballot cast should count towards representation. Partisanship must be balanced with common sense. Opposition must translate into collaboration. ********** File Upload (if any) will appear below *********************  

Randy Clarkson

I am against changes to the current electoral system except that the boundaries of ridings could be changed to more fairly represent the majority of Yukoners who live in or near Whitehorse. I am against your vision of proportional representation which I expect gets...

Yukon Party leader Currie Dixon

May 15 letter from Yukon Party leader, Currie Dixon, responding to the YCAER invitation to participate alongside other political party leaders to provide opening remarks to the Citizens’ Assembly. Shared with permission. ********** File Upload (if any) will...

Anita Nickerson

**UPDATED** Fair Vote Canada submission to the Yukon Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform. Includes systems for consideration with models and simulations for the Yukon and process recommendations. Updated June 12, 2024. ********** File Upload (if any) will...

Murray Arsenault

I want to provide my support for the existing system. My support stems from a couple of bullets I want to highlight. >To call the existing system "first past the post", is a poor descriptor, and a targeted mischaracterization by its opponents. I prefer to...

Neil Salvin

Most important is that more voters turn out on election day. Any system won't be representative unless everyone votes. I vote for the person in my riding that will best represent my values in the LA. I do not vote based on parties or leaders. That is not how the...