Murray Munn

I'd like to see the guesswork taken out of elections. I believe here I'm thinking mostly of recent *federal* elections, when we were being 'whipped' and cajoled into strategic voting, free of course to vote how we felt most comfortable, but with...

Ella Bradford

A strong democracy listens to all voices and is able to include respectful collaboration between parties. Our current system of winner takes all / first past the post eliminates a lot of this collaboration. A first past the post system would bring more diversity into...

Ella Bradford

A first past the post system suppresses many minority voices. Having a system of proportional representation would allow parties to be more accurately represented in the legislative assembly, and actually speak on behalf of their constituents. A system where some...

Stuart Clark

The credibility of democracy is under threat as increasing numbers of (mostly younger) Yukoners feel shutout by the current FPP system. Recent voting patterns reflect the desire to have a more collaborative approach to democratic governance (e.g. CASA type...

Mary Amerongen

Proportional representation is necessary for every vote to count. The proportion of votes for a party should be reflected in the proportion of seats that result. That is only fair. * There are different kinds of PR. Whatever is the simplest would work best I think. If...