Lenore Morris

Aug 12, 2024 | Submission

I want Yukon to have an electoral system that includes and gives voice to a diverse range of views, and in which all votes cast help someone be elected. The current first past the post system not only means that, typically, fewer than 50% of votes cast go to electing anyone, it results in the middle-of-the-road views being over-represented, and the less centrist views either under-represented or not represented at all.
A modern democracy needs some form of proportional representation. Not having it has led to apathy and cynicism about our democracy, and to citizens feeling they need to vote "strategically" – making election results almost meaningless. I want to see young people engaged and I want to see elected politicians work together. Both are more likely with proportional representation.
Geographical representation by riding is important in a place as large as Yukon and with communities as diverse, but representatives could also act for Yukoners as a group and I believe our legislature would be better and stronger for it. The range of political viewpoints, e.g. between conservative and socialistic politicians, is far more significant than e.g. the South Riverdale – North Riverdale divide. The interests of those two neighbourhood halves are virtually identical, meanwhile whole swathes of the population see no one in the legislature advocating for issues that are important to them.
Yukoners would be better served with a legislature that reflects not merely geographic divisions but the range of political views within our territory – proportionately. I advocate a system that would have some MLA's represent particular ridings but with other MLA's who do not – with the 2nd set of spots filled in the way that best balances party votes cast.
(On the matter of political parties, while I the idea of non-party politics, as with municipal councils, has some appeal, there are many reasons why the party system developed and they have not gone away.)
Globally, countries with proportional representation systems have better quality of life and are able to take stronger, more progressive positions because their governments have stronger mandates. I am a voter whose top priority is the environment, and I know there are many like-minded Yukoners. I do not see my priorities reflected in any Yukon government elected to date, and I believe that I would be more likely to under a PR system.
The Yukon has the opportunity to create a modern electoral system that could be a model for the rest of Canada. Let’s do it.

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