Brigitte Parker

Aug 12, 2024 | Submission

Trust in our electoral systems are eroding. People do not feel represented. They don't feel heard. They feel that elected officials are tending to the needs of their campaign funders instead of using taxpayer dollars to improve our collective lives. A clear way to rebuild and foster trust is to make changes to our electoral system. As someone who has participated directly in election cycles, I see how broken the system is. It gives advantages to some over others. The first past the post voting system does not match how people vote thus breeding more apathy and frustration. Electoral reform is something I support. True and big changes. Not watered-down compromises to appease everyone… no performative "we tried" changes, but real significant changes are what I support. A new electoral system like proportional representation would bring forward better choices for candidates, fairly reflect results and foster cooperative politics. It would also mean that my vote counts. That every vote counts. To me, these factors directly reflect and benefit the people… as democracy is meant to be. While I support proportional representation, I am calling on the Citizen's Assembly on Electoral Reform to make recommend serious changes that create and centre a vibrant, inclusive and accountable democracy. Again, that would go a long, long way to repairing the current broken system. Thanks.

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