Eleanor Millard

Aug 9, 2024 | Submission

Proportional representation gives minority parties and independent candidates a better chance of winning seats which means the legislature would explore the views of all voters, not just the First Past the Post winner. The FPTP system is unrepresentative, as candidates can be elected with a very small share of the votes while all other votes cast in the constituency are wasted. Under PR fewer votes are wasted as more people’s preferences are taken into account, giving voters more of a sense of participation in the democratic system. With PR, the legislature would have to deliver fairer treatment of minority parties and independent candidates. It would have to appeal to core supporters, rather than a small number of so called ‘swing voters’ in marginal seats. It would encourage turn-out and reduce apathy. The responsibility of all MLAs is to work toward a consensus for the good of all voters. rather than the adversarial approach of FPTP, which makes a mockery of working for the good of all citizens, The way to do that is to change the electoral system to respond to voters as a whole.

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