David Whiteside

Aug 9, 2024 | Submission

I think all votes should count equally. There is currently a very uneven system in place, that being first past the post.
In first past the post representatives are regularly elected with a fraction of a majority of voices. The elected representatives then proclaim that the voices of the electorate have been heard and that they have a mandate, when this is not at all true. A minority, even if a relatively strong(er) minority of voices are being listened to.
Another poor system is the system where people can choose a first and then a second place candidate (Single transferable vote). The vote is then transferred from their desired candidate, the person who best represents their views to another candidate who may, or who may not represent their views. This person is simply better than the person who least well represents their views. Run-offs work in the same manner.
The only viable system of which I am aware that represents people's voices through a voting system is a mixed-member voting system. In that system people's votes are represented proportionally in any legislature.
In a small jurisdiction like the Yukon there is no perfect system, other than direct democracy, which is unwieldy and difficult for those with less time to devote to governance to attend to.
So we go with solutions that are less than ideal. MMP is the best compromise I know.

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