Chris Caldwell

Jul 24, 2024 | Submission

1) The most important and potentially destructive issue to date is Elections Yukon's plan for the removal of community representation from territorial governance in favor adding more electoral districts to the City of Whitehorse in an unfair numbers game that will place sole power and decision making for the entire territory into the hands of one community that holds little interest in rural Yukon except as a playground.

2) First past the post election method is the only viable method of voting within the Yukon's small populations, only Whitehorse has the population and cashflow capable of producing a roster of multiple candidates for each party as proposed by "Fair Vote Yukon's" proportional representation idea. The Yukon's current experience with coalition governance has been a prime example of catastrophic Whitehorse-centric decision-making that effectively blocks any and all opposition to YG's incompetence. Our current Liberal/ NDP coalition has cancelled democracy in the Yukon while creating unnecessary hardship for our rural citizens and communities. Whitehorse has become a huge bloated urban center of uncaring metropolitan elitist ideals that tacitly consider all jurisdictions and citizens outside it's city boundaries to be inconsequential subordinates of little value as aptly illustrated by the closure of rural garbage transfer stations, removal of civic fire-suppression equipment, refusal to exempt rural communities from the abusive federal carbon tax while providing no public transit infrastructure to offset the necessities of driving and safe reliable oil home heating, plus the current Victoria mine disaster facilitated by a deliberate lack of enforcement by YG's environmental officers (if there are any).

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