Randy Clarkson

Jun 14, 2024 | Submission

I am against changes to the current electoral system except that the boundaries of ridings could be changed to more fairly represent the majority of Yukoners who live in or near Whitehorse.

I am against your vision of proportional representation which I expect gets its greatest support from fringe political groups on the far left, far right and far green spectrums. The political parties from these fringe groups will never be elected to form a government but in a proportional system can exert undue ( and disproportional) influence on mainstream political parties who will have to form a coalition with them. We can see results this process in the government of Italy in which diverse political parties negotiate a coalition which falls apart every 6 months, or in Israel where fringe extremist political parties can force the governing party to follow the extremist agenda which is contrary to the mainstream public agenda and the country's interest.

It is better that the party with the most votes gets to be the government whether they have greater than 50% of the vote or not. Then they can govern and operate without having to negotiate deals with fringe interests which would otherwise hold the balance of power. I don't want Canada or the Yukon to follow the examples of Italy and Israel.

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