Neil Salvin

Jun 10, 2024 | Submission

Most important is that more voters turn out on election day. Any system won't be representative unless everyone votes.

I vote for the person in my riding that will best represent my values in the LA. I do not vote based on parties or leaders. That is not how the current system was designed to work. Too many voters don't know a thing about their candidate other than the party that they are tied to.

I would not want to see a change to the electoral system that would have my vote count for any candidate that I did not want to win – in other words, forcing me to pick a second or third choice if my candidate doesn't get the majority of votes. That would infuriate me. If my candidate does not win it does not mean that my vote was wasted. That is a ridiculous assertion and contrary to the democratic system of government.

I would prefer a legislative assembly that is non-partisan. If all candidates were independent of a party, then voters would have to determine who in their riding to vote for based on their values, work ethic and honesty. I have little hope that Yukon is progressive enough to even consider scrapping partisan politics, and I am betting that the citizens assembly is not going to suggest it as an option.

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