Russell Radwanski

Jun 5, 2024 | Submission

I would like to advocate for the development of a system aimed at empowering citizens by facilitating their direct involvement in decision-making processes, thereby fostering a more participatory democracy. While acknowledging the inherent complexity of such an endeavor, I propose leveraging technology to enable voters to engage with proposed legislation and policies prior to their consideration by elected representatives.

My vision entails the creation of a government-sanctioned application, bolstered by robust security measures, through which Canadians can access and review proposed bills and policies. This platform would provide comprehensive texts, supplemented by AI-generated summaries to enhance accessibility, particularly for individuals facing comprehension barriers. Furthermore, to ensure informed participation, users would be required to demonstrate their understanding through security protocols before casting their votes on proposed measures.

To incentivize citizen engagement, I suggest exploring mechanisms akin to Australia's tax rebate system, wherein active participation in democratic processes could render individuals eligible for tax benefits. While acknowledging potential challenges such as technological accessibility and safeguarding against foreign interference, I am confident that these hurdles can be addressed through diligent consideration and innovation.

I am advocating for serious deliberation and exploration of the feasibility of such a system, underscoring its potential to foster a more inclusive and responsive democratic framework. Despite the absence of similar proposals from governmental bodies to date, I remain steadfast in my belief that we possess the requisite technological prowess and ingenuity to realize a more empowered and efficient governance model for Canadians.

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